RELEASE Client Story: Anne Benischek

RELEASE Client Story: Anne Benischek

Before working with Claudine…

I had back pain and didn’t like how constricted I felt in my body or how it made me feel. I felt older than I was, anxious there might be other things wrong with my body and scared it would stop me from doing things I enjoy.

Anne’s key points:

  • I didn’t realise how little I knew about my body, even though I thought I knew how to move it. I didn’t have blind spots, I had blind areas - not knowing how to move my leg, for example!

  • I’m much more aware of my movement and how there is this constant interplay between the different parts of the body. I can feel that for something to move something has to give.

  • I can’t do less of what causes a lot of the problem - work, but I am much more aware of how I respond, what affect that has in my body and how to adjust. I feel much calmer and more confident…and I sit better.

  • There’s a different quality in the way I think about pain. The awareness I now have means it’s much gentler.

  • My body feels more like my friend. I’ve got more curiosity instead of being so scared by it. The trust I’ve gained has been a bit like a little snail coming out of it’s house!

  • It’s given me hope and feel excited about being able to do the things I want to do - to do exercise and have that part of what makes me feel better.

  • I’m less anxious. Before I had belly ache, where the muscles inside were super tight. This has got better.

  • I enjoy the extra movement that I’ve gained, and when I sometimes stiffen up again I don’t feel worried because I know why and what to do about it.

Who would you recommend RELEASE to?

Because it’s really important for people to own it and do the work, I would recommend this to anyone ready and willing to learn, and who wants to make real lasting change.

What should others know about Claudine?

Claudine is not a one-trick pony - she has a convincing background in all of this and a wisdom behind it. She really understands movement. She’s extremely patient and I felt really encouraged all the way.